
Thursday, May 5, 2011

For my Niece

Happy Birthday precious girl,

you are a whole year old.

You've learnt how to clap, to sit, to stand.

You know your Daddy, and your Mummy, and your Gran.

Now that all the hype is over, and your parents have had time to recover,

I'd like to take the time to pray

That this year be full of fun and discovery,

of mystery and excitement.

That each day you wake knowing you are loved,

and each night you sleep knowing you are God's.

You are his. His special child. You are so precious, a beautiful delight.

Your smiles, your kisses, your cuddles are like precious jewels, each one warming the heart of your family.

We love watching you read.

Love how you walk around holding onto someone's hands.

Love that you are determined.

That you look a bit like your daddy and a bit like your mummy.

We love that you are part of our family.

Happy birthday, princess!


Thursday, 5th May, 2011


Elizabeth said...

Awww - that is beautiful, you made me cry! Thank you for loving my baby!

I am going to copy this and pop it into her scrapbook if you don't mind? Or could you e-mail it to me?

Amy said...

It is on its way! And of course you can put it in her scrapbook!

kiwimeskreations said...

Beautiful post Amy, sniff sniff!